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S.O.S. Save Old Smithfield

by Editor

A letter will be sent to the Case Officer dealing with the LNT Care Home Development at SCC; to the four Bridgnorth SCC Councillors. The Leader and his Cabinet Officers of SCC and deals with

  21/01963/FUL. Development of a 66 bed care home on Old Smithfield Car Park

In brief – the Neighborhood Consultation Expiry Date of May 28th should be extended

The objections to the Care Home Development are as follows ( this is the shortened version -)

Privacy – the three story building overlooks a school. (BMP also has windows overlooking the school but the top floor isn’t used and other rooms are supervised and occupants transitory ) Care home has social rooms on each floor and at each end

Adequacy of parking- LNT quote ‘ less parking than used presently “. 136 parking spaces left for general public. Previous survey took into account other car parks in Bridgnorth. Our argument – Old Smithfield used by BMP and hospital Difficulty for old/infirm/disabled. They say walking from other car parks take 4-5 minutes …we say not suitable for old/infirm/disabled

3.1  The site is on the edge of the designated town centre which is quite unsuitable for a care home and would be better built away from the town centre . 

From comments on the website the overwhelming main concern is one of the difficulty in parking in Bridgnorth especially on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays; Bank holidays; Easter and Christmas time. There are problems with the influx of tourists and visitors during the summer.  Note that on Saturdays ( and in part Sundays ) the car park on Meredith’s Yard holds a market with reduction of parking there.

3.9 LNT proposes pedestrians are prepared  to walk 2km ( 1.25 miles)  and shows a map showing a 2km radius from the centre of the application site   This doesn’t take into account that walking to and from  Tasley/Oldbury/and Low Town involves some quite considerable hill walking that is quite unsuitable for the elderly and infirm, those carrying shopping or those with young children. At the moment Covid 19 has an impact on the availability and timetable of buses according to Arriva website

8.1 LNT proposes a social care facility involving the local community. Presumably this would mean more car parking space needed for dependents and their carers over and above the 24 car parking spaces used by LNT staff and visitors .

2.3  The  planning permission.  16/02739/FUL. Last planning decision  Is it relevant ? Impact of 5 retail shops would benefit Bridgnorth – we say Care home development would benefit owners. 40-60 staff may be from outside Bridgnorth

2.4 LNT Report states there is an ‘under supply ‘ in the provision of care beds. 

We say …..In Bridgnorth we have the following facilities within a 10 mile radius ….Oldbury Grange             Arden Grange                             Rectory Cove. Danesford Grange.      Lady Forester Nursing Home. LakeView. Innage House.               Barchester Wheatland Home  Myford House. Bradeney House.          Bower Grange.                             The Cedars  Hilton HousePlus another 18 other care homes in and around Telford  Note : Not all of them have facilities for the severely infirm / dementia  Plus there are also Residential Care facilities for the elderly in High and Low Town with another being built a few hundred yards from this development ( a total of three) 

( 16/5/21-I did intend to contact the local care homes but it was difficult to talk to managers over the weekend . However- Oldbury Grange tell me they have 9 current vacancies .  So this survey is ongoing)  

 I note that the comments  on the  web page are against any development.     These objections are and have been over the last years overwhelmingly against any reduction in car parking spaces on Old Smithfield car park   Although Planning Laws seem to be quite rigid councillors sometimes have to make decisions that take into account the knowledge and the huge public feeling  about parking in Bridgnorth against this project.   I can assure you this is not a NIMBY occasion but based on the experience of local citizens .

The letter is being sent to :  SCC Planning Department. Chair and Cabinet members of SCC  All Bridgnorth SCC councillors 

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