Home Town News Ex-residents daughter writes a best seller!!!

Ex-residents daughter writes a best seller!!!

by Editor

Dr Alan Walters – previously of East Castle Street – has let BridgnorthTownCrier know about the best seller written by his daughter Sarah Lotz

Its been several years since I was a resident of East Castle St and I have many happy memories of our eight years there.

Dr Walters writes……….
Now I live in Cape Town  and Carol and myself are very happy in this dynamic visually stunning country. Our daughter Sarah Lotz lives next door and we are extremely proud of her literary achievements. . Under various names she has written or collaborated in ten novels and her eleventh , called “the Three’ is going to be published world wide later this month.

Interestingly the novel sold world wide after Sarah submitted just the first chapter to her  literary agent . And we are pleased that much praise has been heaped on the completed works, including an endorsement by Stephen King who loved it. Sarah got a personal e mail from him which thrilled  her no end , as he is one of her heroes. A ten part television series is in the pipeline , by the film company that made ‘ Slumdog Millionaire”.Sarah her husband Charlie and daughter Savannah  need to be resident in the UK , at least for a while , to handle publicity and a variety of meetings as well as helping with the  TV series. Out of all places in the UK she could have chosen, Sarah has decided to move back to Bridgnorth , a town she has always loved.

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