by Editor

The consultation is only between October 25th 2021 and November 21st 2021



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SCC have put forward a document for consultation for the community to comment on, with residents giving an opinion of the proposals put forward.  Some proposals are good, some unworkable, some in fairyland.   The consultation process is from October 25th until November 21st.     Barely four weeks      This document took longer than that to prepare !     The consultation process should be more than four weeks.   Where has it been advertised ?  This makes the public wonder if SCC hopes that lack of comments will give them Carte Blanche to implement their proposals 

They say that the document has been prepared following data analysis/site assessment and engagements with councillors.   The outcome and funding of the projects depends on public backing.

The problems with Bridgnorth as we see it

A medieval town built on a spur or rock overlooking the River Severn- this is a feature of this beautiful town and cannot be changed. 

Access to High Town is therefore limited, problematic and difficult for the disabled, infirm, elderly and mothers with small children and prams due to gradient of the roads. The gradient of the roads cannot be changed 

There are limited or no access to the backs of shops and businesses in the High Street and cannot be changed.

An ageing population with an increase in retirement homes recently 

Evidence shows that when a High Street is closed to a market town such as Bridgnorth it is the death knell of the town 

Past councils have not addressed the parking problems of the town. ( Old Smithfield was originally sold under the threat of compulsory purchase and was promised to be used as a car park for the use of the town. It was then sold on by the council for commercial purposes who now have plans for a further reduction in car parking spaces )

Pedestrianisation of the High Town would cause problems for the emergency services 

The problems with Bridgnorth as they see it

The traffic through town causes congestion and poor air quality

This is not apparent to residents.  Free parking in the town is an important feature for the commercial success of High Town 

Air quality – this will improved as the number of electric cars increase

Limited green space and facilities round the town centre 

Impossible to expand due to the terrain   It is very important to safeguard the Castle Grounds and the Castle Walk .

Hidden assets such as the Castle Grounds

It is important to safeguard these assets .  Suggest -later closing time in the summer and winter and more public events in the grounds with a cafe and seating area.

The River Severn is an underused asset

It is important to safeguard this asset.  It is dangerous to swim/paddle in the river but there may be opportunities for other safe water 

Bus infrastructure dated 

Bus stops may be safer outside Witherspoons rather than Tesco where the adjacent Town Hall causes congestion   It is important for buses to stop in the High Street for those with shopping and those who may have problems with walking 

The High Street is dominated by cars and buses causing increased ‘animation’ of space 

The High Street has been dominated by vehicles for centuries .  This is a feature of all High Streets with shops and businesses .    What on earth is’ animation’. Dictionary – animation is a method in which figures are manipulated to appear as moving images !!! 

Travel infrastructure needs to be updated to sustain travel movement and quality pedestrian circuits round town

We come to town to shop .   If we want a walk we go down by the river.  

Vision and objectives 

Create public spaces with a pedestrian led environment and attractive green spaces

Not possible.  Either you want a healthy commercial environment or a park with a cafe.  It is not possible to create this in a market town such as Bridgnorth. This may be possible in Low Town but not around the High Street.   This ‘environment’ may be possible in a new built town but not in a medieval town such as Bridgnorth ..  get realistic !

Improve active travel with safe walking and cycling and improved access to employment, education and services , air quality and public health 

Better public transport 

Move the bus stop 

Consolidate car parking – reconsider parking in the centre of the town

If you don’t have free car parking in the High street you may as well blow the whole area up and grass it over.  With subsequent loss of zillions of jobs/taxes/council tax/etc    Improve car parking in Old Smithfield  and the Innage and stop the building of a Old Peoples Home on the Smithfield car park.  Let John Poole organise it – he’s got more sense than the planners in SCC. 

Improve air quality by reducing traffic and congestion

Government guidelines on electric cars will eventually solve this problem of air pollution 

The so called congestion we can live with 

Developing solutions 

A new A458 junction to provide direct access to Oldbury Wells school

Very good idea

High Street pedestrianisation 

Phase one – pedestrianisation between Cliff Road and Whitburn Street to create a town square with water features and greenery 

What a rubbish idea 

Phase two- part pedestrianisation between Whitburn Street and St Marys Street with resurfacing    Only essential parking allowed and access to local residents, servicing and public transport and taxi’s

What a rubbish idea

Phase three – pedestrianisation between St Mary’s Street and Listley Street. A traffic  free space for outdoor leisure and seasonal events

What a rubbish idea

Car Parking – no parking on the High Street .   Another rubbish idea

A multi storey car park to be built in High Town ( Old Smithfield)  and another in Low town (Severn Street) 

Good idea 

Active travel enhancements – to encourage walking and cycling  

segregated cycling along Cann Hall Rd and Underhill Street 

Good idea I think –  but won’t this cause more congestion encouraging cyclists to town.  

New travel bridge over the river either north of Bridge Street or another bridge via the Bowling Club bylet.     

Good idea

A park and ride scheme from Tasley  to town.   

Good idea if you can get someone to run it .  The Chamber of commerce started this but it has been expensive for the Chamber .  Funding needed for a bus plus driver on Saturdays 

Improved bus infrastructure. 

Move the bustop

Electric town centre hopper bus. 

Good idea but will this means more congestion with yet more buses 

New funicular – Severn Valley Railway to Castle Gardens via existing footbridge. 

Sounds ok 

Passenger railway services with a new central station in Bridgnorth- a further station to the north of the town connecting to Telford sand then to Shrewsbury and Chester

Is this feasible? No point in talking about congestion in the High Street and then adding to it with a ‘central station in Bridgnorth’   What!!!

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