Home Local Issues What’s going on …….

What’s going on …….

by Editor

You know all this….but to recap…the £100k grant for revitalising our Market Town was originally intended to take over our 900 year old independent Saturday market.

We headed the TC off at the pass and a steering group was formed to spend the money which – at the time was ring fenced – ( or so we thought ). The steering group which consisted mainly of Town and Salop councillors and civil servants with a modicum of input from residents who happened to be me and Nick Bromley. Top heavy or what!

At this point the group decided that the money should be divided into three with £50k going towards a Shop Front Grant scheme….£30K towards signage ….and a measly £20k for the only project that the residents asked for. A Saturday Park & Ride .

Needless to say the Park & Ride project went by the board at the first opportunity. And have we heard of what’s happened to the Shop Front Grant scheme???? Has this been buried as well?

In the BJ today (13.6.14) I see that ” the remaining £74,417 can now be spent on improving the town set of steps
My question….. What has the £25,583 been spent on?
Why is the £74k being spent on the steps when it was agreed that the shop fronts needed doing up?
Is this extra money? There may be a reasonable answer to this. Let’s hear it

I suspect that – there’s an awful lot of meetings and an awful lot of talk but very little practical application.

Answers please to de@bridgnorthtowncrier.co.uk

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