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Social Media lowdown

by Editor

An interesting article from Yale University research has highlighted how social media is conditioning us to express moral outrage . The study involved research into 12.7 tweets and they found that peoples behaviour was reinforced by shares/likes/and feedback and encourages tirades.

They found that people who got ‘likes’ for outrage posts were more likely to follow up with more outrageous posts. The more moderately political were most affected while the politically extreme ( left or right persuasions ) were more independent and expressed views and outrages regardless of any other opinion .

‘ given that moral outrage plays a crucial role in social and political change we should be aware that tech companies through design of their platforms have the ability to influence the success or failure of collective interests ‘

Researchers pointed out how powerful social networks can shape public opinion but did not comment on whether the social outrage effect was good or bad.

Note ; this article was taken from IDrop News . Is it a case of Big Brother is watching you? Are we really influenced that much by Facebook, Twitter and Instagram?? Is there a case for regulation – should offensive posts be taken down, trolling banned. Should the internet – like any other new and exciting invention ( such as the motorcar, aviation ) eventually be regulated ?

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