Home Recipes Granola – the best you will ever eat.

Granola – the best you will ever eat.

by Editor

You will need

100g coconut oil. 100g honey or maple syrup. 2 teaspoon ground cinnamon. 1 tablespoon vanilla

I egg white. 100g rolled oats. 400g mixed nuts chopped finely. 80g ground flax seed.

1 teaspoon sea salt 100g rolled oats

Put the oven on to 100 degrees. Mix the nuts, flax seeds and rolled oats

Heat the coconut oil and the honey/maple syrup and cinnamon when its cool add the vanilla and the whisked egg white Then mix everything together and put into a dish and put in the oven. Every so often turn over the mixture. Leave it in for between one and one and a half hours It doesn’t want to be too crisp unless you like it that way. I usually add another 200g of walnuts because I read walnuts were good for your heart . When its cooled I add a handful of sultanas and a couple of tablespoons of Stevia ( a plant based sweetener ) because I think it tastes better Up to you

I bashed the nuts in a plastic bag with a rolling pin until I got an electric chopper/grinder from Lakeland

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