Home Miscellaneous ‘The Three’ by Sarah Lotz

‘The Three’ by Sarah Lotz

by Editor

This is the tale of four simultaneous plane crashes in different continents and three child survivors. A religous fanatic insists that the three children are the harbingers of the apocalypse.

The children are dubbed ‘The Three’ and because there seems to be no reason for the plane crashes – not terrorist attack; or mechanical failure the children are eventually forced into hiding but their behaviour becomes more disturbing and erratic. Was the religious fanatice right???

Shades of Stephen King; Michael Crichton and Shirley Jackson. The book was reviewed by Robin A Rothman in Amazons Best Book of the Month May 2014 who advised readers to avoid reading this book on a plane.

For the longer version buy the book. Its available from May 20th 2014.

Sarah Lotz will be coming to live in Bridgnorth in June for a few months. Perhaps W H Smith can arrange a meeting……..

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