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The debate about the High Street


There has been much debate and misinformation about the closure of the High Street for markets ….and indeed the markets themselves.

Our Saturday market has been independent for 900 years.  Originally the shops In the High Street set out their wares In front of their shops this gradually evolved to the shopkeepers or landlords letting out the space in front of the shop .   It has never been regulated .   The one time in the late 19th century when the council TRIED to get it regulated was when the Council built Newmarket buildings for the marketeers to go into .   The market traders refused…they wanted to continue to trade in the High Street.   There were threats and intimidation by the council, eventually the traders took the council to court and the traders won.

Recently this council wanted to use £100K to ‘ revitalise’ the market ( uniform stalls perhaps a market manager etc). Again the traders didn’t want the council taking over, from their  experience of other councils taking over a market this would be the kiss of death.  The market continues to be unregulated

Recently there was an attempt by a misguided town council to close the top end of High Street on a Saturday and install a Made in Shropshire Market at the top end     Access to the bottome end was made by going up St Mary’s street but this was not really apparent.

What a disaster!!!!!    not only did this provoke strong feelings between the new and existing traders but it meant  a 20-30% loss of revenue to shops and market traders  in the lower end of the High Street.  Beamans, Tanners , Parker Taylor’s and others all complained – although at the next Events meeting these letters were not read –  only letters praising the market.   Obviously trying to turn a PR disaster into an acceptable one.

After heated words at the Events meeting a solution was found.

Move the disabled bays outside the old doctors surgery at Northgate to outside the now redundant bus bays outside the Bear

Use the space outside Northgate House for new markets that want to come into town .these could differ from week to week and what an asset that could be.

NEVER  EVER close the High Street on a Saturday .   I know there are many who want the High Street to be pedestrianised .   It is a lovely idea of a continentsl type  atmosphere all sitting outside drinking rose in the sunshine .     But… Bridgnorth is a medieval town with limited back access to shops.  We have free parking in the High Street in the week that is an Invaluable asset to the shops.   Goodness knows what a problem parking is – don’t let’s destroy anymore existing spaces.   Encourage and support the shops in the High street….can you imagine a High Street with more card and charity shops?   The High Street could turn into another Dudley if we are not careful

There is so much more potential for our High Street.   Expand the markets on a Sunday and Bank Holiday – and yes close the High Street then if needs be on those days and if the markets are large enough    We have an ideal place under the Town Hall that could be utilised on Sundays  – Bank Holidays – and other  days in the week for smaller markets.

One more thing. The Market Traders Association or the Bridgnorth Chamber of Commerce have never been against having more markets in town .   Their beef is against CLOSING THE HIGH STREET on SATURDAYS.




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