As soon as your soil is dry enough to work, plant spuds, broad beans and early peas. Line the spud trenches with F Y M. Sow lettuce, onion and parsley seeds on a window sill, or similar spot.
Later in the month you can sow carrots, turnips, spinach, radish, beetroot and Swiss chard seeds in the open.
Clear up your lawn, and by the end of the month the grass should be ready to cut with the cutter blades set high.
Plant half hardy annual flower seeds, stocks, French marigold, rudbeckia, tobacco plants , etc. in small containers, in propagators. Hardy annuals —– e.g. calendula, cornflowers, etc. will germinate on a sunny windowsill.
Treat paths with long term weedkiller.
When indoor bulbs finish flowering replant them out in the garden. Remove the flowers but not the leaves.
Prune summer flowering shrubs e.g. buddlea, hardy fuschia, etc. and feed with blood-fish and bone fertiliser. Also prune roses and feed them with a proprietry fertiliser.
Start clearing and weeding the herbacious border. Feed perennial flowers. Dig up any large clumps and replant using pieces taken from the outside of the clump.
Prune apple and pear trees . Thin out overcrowded branches to let in light and air. Any blackcurrant bushes need their old growths pruning out, then a good mulch surround of FY M.
Rasberries, gooseberries and redcurrants require some food, but less than blackcurrants.
Plenty there to be getting on with, so good luck with the weather.