Home Gardening April – the busiest month

April – the busiest month


Gardening George in the garden in April

‘April is the cruellest month ‘ according to T.S. Eliot. Not necessarily, but it is the busiest month of the gardening year.

If you haven’t already done so, sow all annual flower seeds in the greenhouse, or on a window sill. As soon as they have grown big enough to handle, prick out into boxes.
Also sow greenhouse vegetable seeds —– tomatoes, aubergines, cucumber, peppers, etc..

Sow celery, celeriac and sweetcorn for later planting outside. As soon as the ground is dry enough, it’s the time to sow broadbeans, peas, spinach, turnip, carrots,beetroot, onions, onion sets, raddish, lettuce and Swiss chard — out in the open.

Brussel sprout seed is expensive, so it’s safer to sow it in compost in trays for later transplanting, when the seeds have grown big enough.

If you haven’t already done so, mow the lawn with the mower blades set high, and without the grass box on.

Spray paths with long lasting weed killer.

Start cleaning out and weeding the herbacious border. Reduce overgrown perennials to manageable size and give a sprinkle of bonemeal to the remaining clumps — and add a sprinkle of slug pellets.

Hardy annuals such as calendula or cornflowers can be planted to fill gaps.

Happy gardening.

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