Home Breaking news We need to act……

We need to act……

by Editor


Above is a link to the Shropshire Council licensing application website. It really is important that we need to take action to prevent the building of a care home for 66 residents from LNT Care Developments. The site – bought from Sainsbury’s by Ziran for £1.2 million in February . OK – old people need homes but this development comes with 24 dedicated car parking spaces . If you then count the care workers and visitors the amount of car parking spaces left . would be severely limited From pictures of the development it looks like over half of the car park is being used .

This would cut down on the much needed available parking spaces for the town.

So – is it likely that this a ground would be sold if there wasn’t a reasonable doubt that the ground could be developed. How did this happen ………

The land was sold in April but everything was kept very quiet . What was a the reason for this ?

Could it be that councillors knew about the deal but kept quiet about it until the elections were over in May ? Just in case it prejudiced the planning application ? It is well know that there is a lot of opposition to this development in Bridgnorth because of the reduction in car parking spaces . The last time this development was attempted over 6000 local folk objected , there was a mass protest in the said car park when Shrewsbury councillors came to have a look at it and Bridgnorth Chamber of Commerce attempted to stop the development at great cost to the chamber.

So go to the link above – You then have to login or register

If you register you have to give your name address etc. Then you will get a link from the council that will then give you access to the site

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