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First….it was a great experience .  A vast arena …the temple to Rugby Football   But it was like walking down Bridgnorth High Street at times  Every where we turned there was someone we recognised.   All were friendly and the atmosphere was great .

Maidstone were big burly lads that included an Australian and five New Zealanders.   The first half was all Maidstone who were quicker, fitter and faster than our lads and by half time they had built up a substantial lead .

The second half was mainly Bridgnorth but try as they may they couldn’t make up the deficit.  A Maidstone supporter after the match told us they were beginning to be really worried.

It was an absorbing cleanly fought match and we are very proud of our lads.   What an achievement !!!!!!

From someone who had never been to an important rugby match before I was struck by the supportive crowd atmosphere and how different it was from a  football crowd

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