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Park and Ride…….Its here!!!!!


After nearly two years ……its here!!! Saturday April 11th 

A survey of residents and visitors wandering round the Saturday High Street market in the summer of 2013 revealed that the two things they wanted more than anything for the town was – fix the Town Hall Clock – and organise a Saturday Park & Ride ……..

Its here ……the Bridgnorth Chamber of Commerce took up the cudgel and elected a Project Team to manage the pilot project .

It it wasn’t just a question of organising a bus!!!!…..   There were regulations, signage, posters and flyers, and because we had to give eight weeks registrations for the route we couldn’t charge during that time ….a need for sponsors …….

This is is where the real community spirit took over.   We approached busineses in Bridgnorth and were amazed how supportive they were .   This meant that for the first nine weeks of the project the ride into town will be FREE.

So- if you click on Park & Ride above you can get all the information you need.  If you don’t want to do that just turn up at Tasley Auction Yard from 9.30am for the bus that runs every 20 minutes     There will be a drivers break round about lunchtime.     The last bus from Sainsbury’s will be at 4.00 – and don’t all get on that one!!!   Otherwise you will have to walk up Tasley Bank and the car park gates will close at 5.30pm

its a Pilot Project so we will be fine tuning it and any thoughts on it will be welcome – contact us – see above

Thanks to the sponsors  : Hickman (Stanmore) Ltd : Central Power: David Deighton: Bridgnorth Real Windiws: Craven Dunnill: Tanners Wines: Keith Alderson: Deanna Deighton: The Travel Wallet:     Plus Nock Deightons Auctiin Yard and Bridgnorth Promotions

Fingers crossed from the Project Team

David Deighton, Deanna Deighton and Brian Davies

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