by Editor

Have you ever wondered why there are no historians in the Cabinet? If there were – would we have even ventured into Afghanistan? We now have to deal with a hotchpot of tribal warlords now in Kabul with no idea of government The retreat from Kabul to Jalalabad in 1842 where the British Army was decimated ( one survivor – although there were some hostages) The retreat by the Soviets in the late 20C and now the retreat of the US and GB etc two decades later .

Then there is the recent move to get rid of statues and artefacts that are said to be involved in Britain’s colonial past . If that is being done – why not start with getting rid of statues of early Medieval Kings . When the population ( serf and villeins / a kind of bonded tenant) were unfree labourers who had to work on land belonging to the local lord .

Here is a new website to give a balanced view of History. HISTORY RECLAIMED

A new website to inform the public and challenge the ‘one sided narrative’.

A growing concern about ‘woke’ ideology that has seen statues pulled down and museum exhibits re -labelled or removed. ( for goodness sake – re-label them don’t get rid of them! -ED)

The History Reclaimed site will be co-edited by Prof Robert Tombs and David Abulafia, emeritus professor of Mediterranean history at Cambridge.

Professor Tombs said that ‘wokeness ‘is probably coming from a very active minority which is influential in academia and in institutions like museums. But I don’t think it has much public support.

“The argument has been one-way – their views imposed on everyone else. This is often based on a very distorted view of history and can be seen as a way to undermine the whole of Western civilisation, culture and tradition. Plenty of academics of repute do not go along with this, I thought – I am sure others think this too – and started contacting other people. And it started there.”

There are lots of articles on the site including;

The Anglo Boer War : A complex war . Saul David

The Racial consequences of Mr Churchill. A review. Andrew Roberts

Charles Darwin A Victorian Genius.

The Anarchy.The Relentless Rise of the East India Company. William Dalrymple

These are just a few of the articles to read. Its just something to make BTC readers think. Anyone can access the site- its there for you to read and share and comment on on Facebook and Twitter. Its free but donations to keep the website continuing are welcome .


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