BTC usually doesn’t include the planning minutes but this meeting is relevant to the Old Smithfield fiasco.
Cllrs Connolly, D Cooper,Neal ,Sawbridge, Wellings as well as a Mrs A Kendrick who is a Democratic Services Officer ( what’s that!- Ed)
Relevant bits – Cllr D Cooper is Chairman Cllr Wellings is Deputy.
There was a Planning application for 6 affordable houses in Oldbury Wells on that road to the school – the thought was its site is impractical ( so not in my backyard then – we need affordable houses in Bridgnorth – Ed)
The important bit – the 66 bed care home
The BTC OBJECTS to the proposal because:
The need for this specialist facility has not been demonstrated .- doesn’t meet the need of CS11- undue strain on local facilities
The site is within the designated Town Centre – may hinder growth – not efficient use of land
No Heritage Assessment has been provided – would detract from the openness of the street scene and detrimental to the nearby Bridgnorth Conservation area.
loss of car parking space – needs a review for a transport and parking strategy .
(So over to Salop CC – will they take note – probably not . Time for independence folks -ED)