Home Council Watch Town Council Minutes for November 16th 2021

Town Council Minutes for November 16th 2021

by Editor

These minutes are a very short version of the real thing and I’ve only included stuff that I reckon impacts on US 

The full minutes are on the Bridgnorth Town Council website 

NOVEMBER 16th Town Council Minutes

Cllr Charlotte Round has resigned so there is a vacancy in Morfe Ward. There is also a vacancy in Castle Ward with elections on January 6th 2022 if there are two of them up for election


Reg Richards – BTC looks like increasing the precept by 10.53% which is above inflation – has BTC looked at reductions expenses?

ANSWER – the precept will be debated in January 2022.

A Daniels – When will the Arts Trail Statues be removed and the estimated date of removal and the cost ?

ANSWER. BTC will respond in writing

Ed Marshall – there are plans to increase the precept by 10.53% with not increased fees for council services – residents are paying by council tax all increases in costs imposed by the council – residents don’t have a choice . The BTC does not provide rubbish collection/highways/education/special services. It is easy and lazy to impose taxes on residents BTC should seek ways a to improve efficiency etc

ANSWER – The BTC will respond in writing

(Ed…its all well and good saying the BTC will respond in writing WHATS THE ANSWER????)

The Planning Committee will meet on 29th November sand look at plans submitted by the Rugby Club

The ongoing Public Engagement Action coordinated with SCC ends on 25th November.

Trees ordered for Crown Meadow will be planted in March 2022.

QUESTION BY CLLR WELLINGS – the gates to Severn Park were left open on Saturday 6th November for the Firework Display. How much income was generated ???


Neighbourhood Team Priorities

Increased Police presence to reduce anti social behaviour

Eliminate /reduce Drug activity

Reduce car speeding in town

£57,459 was paper over for payment in Pctober

£87,498 was approved for payment in November 2021


Discussion – coatings for increase of fees for Severn Park and the Cemetery inline with general inflation Commercial posts to be reviewed early next financial year- slipway in Severn Park /cleaning for the hall hire/Parking in Severn Park for events.

Various grants were allocated numbers which means absolutely nothing to me. ( But it would be interesting what the grants are and how much without trawling through more stuff -ED)

Increase in Band D £8-£12 per annum

Purchase of new grounds equipment

Bridgnorth Arts Trail – extend the trail period to 2023 subject to permission from SCC and Historic England

The debtors reports are ongoing and the recommendation approved from the Personnel Committee

Town Council Meeting on November 2nd

Ron Whittle was welcomed as the chair for the Twinning Association ( Schrobenhausen & Thiers ). Funding by BTC.

There is a planning meeting in Schrobenausen on November 6th for events in 2022 in Bridgnorth

Membership of the Association is £1

Then there were notes on the Youth Partnership in Bridgnorth and the Budget Public Bodies Association. ( But no more information !!! – ED)

A quote was approved for 3 vehicles from Days Rental and talk about a move to electric vehicles by 2025



Public question from R Richards asking about the deficit of £66473 and what measured have been taken to rectify this?  

Town Clerk said that the deficit for this month was £25564   ( previous month £66473). Difficult to predict spending and income results from assumptions    He was not able to answer about the question about the precept    The council has not discussed the budget as a whole in detail for next year.

A Budget Working Group has been formed 

Public engagement was agreed on public engagement on potential projects on partnership with the SCC

A discussion with SCC Economic Growth and Strategy dept about the benefits of the Business Improvement District

It was resolved – increase of committee members from 6 to 9 for the Bridgnorth Community Hall 

Flooding Group – informal meeting with affected residents on Saturday 6th November 10-2 at the Bridgnorth Community Hall Low Town 

The Hanging Basket and Bedding contract was agreed. ( £11891.50) and extended.

Town council meetings for September 21st 2021

These minutes are a very short version of the real thing and I’ve only included stuff that I reckon impacts on US 

The full minutes are on the Bridgnorth Town Council website 

A meeting with Leslie Picton SCC for a full and frank discussion about the concerns about communication/ground maintenance / Ambulance Depot closure and the Highways Depot closure/ Flooding/Transport


Discussion about Central Government Funding.  

With SCC public engagement in October   (????)

( did I miss it?) 

Town council minutes for September 7th 2021

These minutes are a very short version of the real thing and I’ve only included stuff that I reckon impacts on US 

The full minutes are on the Bridgnorth Town Council website 

The Town Mayor is to write to SCC to express concerns about the closure of the Bridgnorth Highways Depot.  No consideration was given to engage the Town Council in advance.    Formal and direct engagement with BTC is requested.

A Flooding Working Group has been formed 

The fee was waived for the Castle hall when used by the Seniors Citizens Group 

Reports from the SYA and the Bridge Youth Club were given to BTC

The Town Councillors were invited to a meeting in the Castle Hall by the SCC for briefing on Bridgnorth related matters.  *. See minutes for 21.9.21


The CCTV contract was extended.  Cost – £2466

Town council minutes for August 17th 2021

These minutes are a very short version of the real thing and I’ve only included stuff that I reckon impacts on US 

The full minutes are on the Bridgnorth Town Council website 

The accounts have been approved to pay £74,551.62

Local Police Contract ;  the council had the following three priorities

Increased police presence

Elimination /reduction of drug activity

Reduce the speeding cars in and around the town and town centre.


Adequate and detail drawings of the Town Council buildings and have accepted the quote of £3550.

Approved- a quote of £625 from Midland Computer for improved WiFi in the annexe

Action approved to collect from Town debtors

Approved – the quote of £5323 for repair to play equipment on Crown Meadow and Lodge LAN 

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