Home Council Watch Town Council Minutes for 23.2.21

Town Council Minutes for 23.2.21

by Editor

These are just the highlights – and I’ve only included stuff that is relevant .

Flooding – the Environment Agency has been asked to attend a meeting of the Town Council and provide an update .

The Census is planned for 21.3.21. ( Day Line of Duty starts )

Covid 19 testing is planned for the Bridgnorth Community hall in two weeks time ( Reckon its there now )

The Year End will be on 16.4.21

Councillor Barlow will be Mayor for 2021/2022 and Councillor Sawbridge will be Mayor Elect

Street furniture is to be painted burgundy

Two DLFs will be trained on site to be Bench Site Operators at the cost of £675 plus VAT

The Debtors report was approved (presumably to chase up unpaid invoices)

The Lease Renewals has been delegated to the Town Clerk

Company B will lock up Severn Park from April 1 until September 26th 2021 and the Town Clerk has been authorised to modify the contract if needed

There was lots of stuff about the Youth project in Innage Lane


  1. That it [the Town Council] will no longer consider commissioning youth service provision (Innage Lane) but instead approach Shropshire Council to request that they continue to commission the service in its current format (for a further 12 months).
  2. Inform Shropshire Council that Bridgnorth Town Council will commit up to £7k, to provide grant funding [to Shropshire Council] (provided it does notexceed 33% of the contracted price).
  3. That the Town Council begins fruitful discussions with the newly
    established Shropshire Council Team Lead for Youth Support in South Shropshire(and partners) on needs and aspirations.
    ( Bu there were so many proposals and defeats of proposals this report will continue after lunch )

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