Home Council Watch Town Council Meeting on June 15th

Town Council Meeting on June 15th

by Editor

I read them so you don’t have to …..

There were several questions from the public

Mr M Proudman He objected to the £1200 for the Parish Rooms in the name of the Twinning Committee The Twinning committee had no prior knowledge of this and did not agree to it. Cll Sawbridge acted independently -without consultation – and with no authority. Mr Proudman asked that this should be removed .

To be discussed .

Mr M Proudman Bridgnorth Town Council had agreed to pay a grant of £750 to the Twinning Association Why was only £250 paid?

The Town Council to respond in writing. (. Why can’t we know ?)

Mr D Seipel Asked if the Councils policy had changed regarding powers awarded to Cllrs as observers on external committees Procedures were to hold arching briefs and report back. A recent act of circumstances seems to have changed this

The Town Council to reposed in writing (Why can’t we know ? Who is Mr Siepal talking about ?)

Mr E Marshall. Asked about the proposal to put posters on the empty Parish Rooms that are currently empty. This would make the building less attractive with possibly more open to graffiti and fly posting . He noted that £1200 had been put aside for this venture that had no value to the town

The Town Council to respond in writing ( why can’t we get a response – I’m with you there -Editor)

Mr P Randell He asked about the intolerable noise coming from fun fairs and events on Severn Park – sometimes from 2pm to 10pm and 10.30 pm for ten days at a time

This to be discussed later

Minutes of the Planning Committee and the Personnel Committee were received .

A meeting with Simon Macvickers MD of Bridgnorth Aluminium reported that they were interested in commemorating the Duke of Edinburgh

There was a meeting with Philip Dunne MP to discuss flooding in the town

Finance £51,277 was approved . Balance 1,124,180

General Fund 781,860. Reserve 169,894. Cap Received 172,633. 34,482.95 was approved

Severn Park Funfair and Events ; it was decided to delegate the Events Working Group to look into this in further detail. In the meantime the Town Clerk to investigate and consider the noise levels , occupancy and effect of current concessions .

Severn Park Toilets : The Town Clerk to commission up to three days a week cleaning as necessary up to £1K

The Town Clerk to approach the owners of the Parish Rooms buildings to improve the appearance of the building as they are noticeable as a ‘gateway to the town’

The fee for the ‘Gunner Appeal’ in the Castle grounds on 24th July 21 were gifted to the organisers .

Confidential – no press or public allowed ; for discussion – Town Council Debtors Hive Works Industrial Estate

The Town Clerk to deal with temporary cleaning to support the current contractors

The council to pay the fees to the Society for Local Councils Clerks (For the Town Clerk;Deputy Town Clerk and the Democratic Service Officer ). (What on earth is a Democratic Service Officer !)

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