Home Council Watch Town council meeting on July 6th

Town council meeting on July 6th

by Editor

Public Question Time – Mr Proudman asked why BTC had agreed on a grant of £750 to the Twinning Association. Why was only £250 paid? The response was that £250 had been paid on 1.3.21. But the Town Clerk had asked the Twinning Association to apply for further funding indicating what the money was going to be used for No formal further request had been received .

Mr Seipel asked if BTC had changed the policy with regards to the powers of a Cllr who was observer on an external committee It now seems that the non experienced Cllr had additional powers to criticise the Chair and volunteers causing offence . The response – no… policy had not changed. Asked why this had not been minuted ….the response … not applicable

( what was that all about /. Who was the Cllr.-ED)

Mr Marshall asked about Twinning and Townscape He disagreeed with the policy of putting posters on the Parish rooms He asked about details of the posters/ how long would they be there ‘maintenance and staff time involved . And that £1200 for this project was money wasted

The responses – valid points raised and used for a further debate

( thank goodness for these residents who bring up relevant matters . Well done Mr Marshall. – ED)

now….to continue

Further residents were co-opted to the Council. ( Does this mean that ALL members of our council have been co-opted and they are ALL without even one vote from the residents ??-ED)

Mr C Aked co-opted to East Ward

Mr C Seabright co-opted to West Ward

Ms S Huxley co-opted to Castle Ward

mr G Colley co-opted to Castle Ward

(Who decides this? A sad reflection on resident participation . On the other hand no one asked me or anyone else I Know. Looks like a closed shop to me ED)

Committee Working Groups – Cll Wellings to Events and Christmas :removal of Point 8 ( what was this – Ed) and other changes which unless we know what thy are it’s pointless to even mention it

The Christmas Lights are to be switched on – November 19th

And extra £7500 to be given to the community group for the Town Carnival.

To adopt initial recommendations about funfairs and large scale commercial activities ( ideas including -concessions /protecting the ground and turf/protecting car park income/sitting of generators )

Updates from Cllrs Buckley and Hurst Knight

Discussion of grant funding and the application form with Cllrs Aked Neal and Seabright on the working group

Minutes from the Bridgnorth steering group and SALC area meeting were received

The quote of £6096 approved to mend the wall on Stoneway Steps.

The budget for the Cost Centre 249 Nominal Ledger( misc repairs ) increased from £3K to £10.5K

That’s it folks

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