Home Local Issues Another Update on the Park & Ride…..

Another Update on the Park & Ride…..


Park and Ride

Here is more information about the  Bridgnorth Chamber of Commerce Park & Ride Project

It will start on Saturday April 11th on a circular route from the Auction yard to Sainsbury’s    Remember this is a PILOT project by the Bridgnorth Chamber of Commerce – if it works ok I am sure they will expand the 16 seater coach to a larger one .  If it doesn’t work – hey ho – at least the Chamber has had a go.

The  Bridgnorth Chamber of Commerce is funding it but it does mean that they have to charge £2 a car for there and back and park as long as you like (as long as its between 9.00am until 3.30pm  just to defray expenses.   Nock Deightons are very kindly letting them have the car park at the back of their yard for free.  But as I said before – theres’s no toilet facilites or disabled facilites there or on the coaches.

Initially it was  decided to keep it simple .  A circular route to Sainsbury’s and back .  This was done deliberately to keep the coach away from Low Town and the Cliff Railway.    It was envisaged that visitors ( instead of driving round and finding no where to park and turning round and going home) will use the bypass to get to Tasley -park their car-  come into High Town -have a look round – perhaps go down on the lift to look at the Quayside and river – then back to the Sainsbury’s pick up point to get their car.

So- lots of publicity needed.  Lots of signs.  Lots of flyers.  If you do have any advice for the project, please get in touch by writing to editor@bridgnorthtowncrier.co.uk.  What about volunteers?    Get in touch!



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